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Customize Your Elevator CPU Holder

Elevator CPU Holder

CPU Holder


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Product Specialist: Irnes Kozic, 303.350.1262, ikozic@spaceco.com


Adapt Global, Inc. CPU holders are size adjustable and mount under the work surface without taxing leg-space. All holders can rotate 360 degrees making the CPU accessible from the front and the back.



Elevator CPU Holder ELVTR01

Optima CPU Holder CPU-EE

Elevator CPU Holder

Elevator CPU Holder

Adapt Global, Inc. offers two compact and flexible CPU holder option that will blend into any office environment. Available in a single or double extension track length providng a wide range of postioning options. The simplicity and flexibility of the breathable fabric mesh sleeve encapsulates valuable hardware with the Elevator. If your security needs are more stringent, “The Standard” is your solution. Your valuable hardware will remain safe and secure with the optional locking kit that comes with “The Standard.”


360 degree rotation for easy access to cords, cables and maintenance. Supports up to 45lbs.


Adjustable mesh sling accommodates CPUs of varying sizes and laptops as well.


Technical Specs


Contact us for more information on how Adapt Global, Inc. can assist in creating your ideal workspace.

17650 E. 32nd Place
Ste 10B
Aurora, CO

303 371 6222

F 303 375 6644


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